I know I promised more apron pics and I'll get to them. But first a little sidebar.
I'd like to mention a Christmas song I've hated. Dan Fogelberg's Same Old Lang Syne. This would be the boring song that lasts forever and you're stuck wondering why they play it at Christmas time. But ever since Wierd Al's Stuck at the Drive Thru parody of that Out of the Closet song....I have found I can enjoy Same Old Lang Syne....if I make it mine. And here's how you can love it too:
Just Sing Whatever The Crap You Are Doing
Here's a sample of what I sang tonight when the song came on XM Holly 81 :) (Just imagine it to that lame tune and make the words on the end very melodic)
It was time to start some dinner,
All I had was some ground beef.
So I'll make it into meatballs,
with some Pasta that's Penne.
Earlier my daughter Ashlynn,
tried to make up some Salt Dough
She must have spilled it on the floor
cuz now there's salt between my toes.
If I walk now on the carpet,
I could wipe it off my feet.
But then the salt will be inside of it.
I think it's better if I sweep.
I take the broom out of the pantry.
I wish it had a better home.
But it's a good thing that I'm sweeping
cuz on the floor there's Honeycombs.
Oh crap. Here comes little Josie.
She'll mess up my crumb pile.
Oh wait, she kissing baby Jesus.
She knows how to make me smile.
It works great in the car too.
Daddy Drinking Clam Chowder?
5 years ago
Too funny - Love it
ps I feel like I haven't seen you for ages... maybe bc the only tie I did was at volleyball...
that's hillarious! im gonna have to HURT you though if i have this freaking song in my head all day. HATE IT! lol
Okay, wait....I am confused. Is tis the song about the snow turning into rain at the end? Why do they play it at Christams? Here is on FM 100 all the time. It is boring...but I can't rememebr the tune to sing your poem. I bet the tune to "She's Always a Woman to me" would work, too.
I HATE that they play that as a Christmas song. And it's not even a good song. bleck.
So - - I am most grateful for your insight/suggestion ;) Should be fun. (Though somehow I think the talented storyteller Shannon is going to be much better at this than me.)
I tried this last night because another one of my unfavorites came on: My Favorite Things. How did this get in the christmas lineup too. Just because it mentions a 'package' in one place?
I got lost. I think I'm one of those people who can't do the stomach pat and head rub at the same time. I couldn't concentrate on my words cause their words kept interrupting.
I think I'm going to need a demonstration of this when I'm up there for Christmas ;) You can show me how it's done :>
Wow, you made that up as you went? very good rhymes! I hate oldy sang lyme or whatever it's called to. I never really got it....I remember I knew "for all acquaintance be forgot," and then after that the song turned into "she's a grand old flag." Wierd.
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