On Sunday, the morning after we arrived, we found out my dad was heading to the emergency room with chest pains. I spent the day with him there, while they ran tests and weren't quite sure if he had a heartattack or not. So they wanted him the following morning to go in for stress testing. After that test, they decided he needed to be admitted to the hospital. So I spent Monday with him in there and he got an angiogram and two stents put in. He came home on Tuesday and is still doing well :)
But after that I got sick with a head cold. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep. I tried to go shopping with my sister, but spent most of that time in the car because I felt awful. This head cold lasted for two days.
I started feeling a little better and managed to squeeze in an afternoon Rock Climbing with Lisa (which was a total blast!) and a visit with Rich's mom that was great for my kids (and grandma:).
Then I got some other sickness, where I had vomitting and overall ick! So Easter, I made it to church. Took a few pics. And then laid on the couch sick for the rest of the evening.
Not a fun vacation.....and not a very fun houseguest either! (Sorry Mel)
Put here are a couple of pics from Easter.