Here's some more summer fun :)

We finally made it to a blueberry farm. It was great. Josie ate blueberries the whole time. Then found she could have a lot of fun feeding them to the chickens.

My new
fav snack. Forget microwave popcorn. Stove top is just as easy and healthier for you too considering there's no fake butters and chemicals to consume. Put some olive oil in the pan just a Tablespoon or two. Add 3 kernels of corn. PUT ON THE LID. When those kernels pop - add the other kernels 1/3 to 1/2 a cup. PUT ON THE LID! Shake until the popping stops. (just like microwave popcorn:) Top with melted butter and salt if desired. YUM.

I'm still making bread for my family. It's so
delicious and is made with honey instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup and other crazy additives. I use this
Gold Medal recipe except I use ALL whole wheat flour and there are a few differences so if you try that recipe and it doesn't work lemme know, I'll tell ya what I do. I usually use the Stone
Burh whole wheat flour because it works well and I can sometimes find it in the bigger bags.

Now this here makes me laugh. Josie found these wrist warmers and for some reason when she wears them - she thinks she's a robot. So she'll start doing robot arms and hands and saying, "I
beebot. I
Summer's been a ton of fun. But I'm really looking forward to school starting!
Glad you got to go pick blueberries. My kids loved feeding the chickens too.
I really wish I could muster up the motivation to make homemade bread. My mom did it all the time and I loved it...
You never cease to amaze me, girl. I love the robot pictures... my girls have been doing the same. They go around the house saying, "I am a robot. I am a robot." Maybe too much Max & Ruby lately?!
Love the beebot.
Did you get back from the trip OK? Will you go to bed before 3 AM?
That was a BLAST!
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