So I ran my 5k on Saturday. Okay. I ran/walked it. But I'm really glad I did it. My main goal was to finish before they started giving awards and they had that scheduled for 9:45. The race starting at 9:00. And I made it in just over 44 minutes. I had really hoped to get under 40 minutes. But there was a hill that TOTALLY kicked my booty. And then I had to stop about 3 times and stretch out the arch of my hobbit/princess foot. ( )
That surprised me, cuz in my practice run/walks it didn't cramp up quite so much.
So anyways. I guess we're going to find another one to sign up for. We being the Washington Chapter of the SRC (sisters running club...those are two of my sissies in the pic with me.) And I figure it's a good thing to sign up for, because I may not be exercising at all otherwise.
Daddy Drinking Clam Chowder?
5 years ago
congrats! i don't love training for the events so much but isn't the feeling of accomplishment GREAT after?! you should be PROUD! :)
congrats! i don't love training for the events so much but isn't the feeling of accomplishment GREAT after?! you should be PROUD! :)
Hooray! That's great and I love that you have your sisters to run with! That's a great motivator!
Awesome Shane! The Wa SRC represents well.
It is tough to run with a 'freaky part' (sometimes my knee gets freaky) but I have found the more I run the less my freaks get the best of me, so I am hoping the same happens for you. It may have been the raceday adrenaline or rush that had you run a little more intensely and effect the foot.
I am so happy for you guys- I wish I was there to run it!
Way to go! I think I'm going to do a 5K on Thanksgiving morning- it's in Gig Harbor (Turkey Trot or something like that). You should join us! Of course, I'll probably be walking... don't want to bounce that baby out of me! If you find out about any more, let me know. Happy training!!!
Go Shannon, go Shannon, go Shannon...
I'm so freaking proud of you.
Ummm, I tagged you again- but it was very informal, so if you don't want to play I won't tell, but it is an easy one.
Love Ya!
yay, good job! You and your hobbit/princess foot. I know that wierd foot problems can be painful! My bunions (the bones to your big toe that protude outward) use to hurt me very badly after a couple of miles.
Anyways, you westsiders are doing awesome in the SRC!
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